The Benefits of Alkaline Water
- Gives you lots of Energy – electrolyte / oxygen.
- Washes the acidic wastes from the body.
- Helps digestion and digestive problems.
- Hydrates your body 3 times more effectively than conventional water and bottled water.
- Nutrients are absorbed more efficiently into the body.
- Foods cooked with lonized water taste better, their nutrients are absorbed better by the body.
- Powders such as flour are mixed more thoroughly & smoothly.
- lonized water boils faster and cools down faster Promotes regularity with constipation.
- Promotes healthier skin and complexion.
- Promotes overall health and healing by bringing the body into balance.
- Healthy cells live in an Alkalized environment.
- Helps with diabetes.
- It is also good for Animals as well as Humans.
Alkaline water Ionizer The Benefits Of Hydrogen In Alkaline Water & Principle Of Water Ionizer.